An outlier among offensive stats in Diablo 4

If balancing vulnerable damage proves to be such a significant challenge, it might be more sensible to remove the stat altogether. It seems like an outlier among offensive stats in Diablo 4. Most offensive stats require certain conditions to be useful, such as specific skill types or enemy types, but vulnerable damage stands out as universally effective, regardless of the player’s build or skills.

Among offensive stats, we have those that require conditions:

  • Critical Strike Chance
  • Critical Strike Damage
  • Damage to Close Enemies, Damage to Distant Enemies, Damage to Healthy Enemies, etc.
  • Fire/Cold/Physical/etc. Damage, Core Skill/Basic Skill/Pyromancy Skill/etc. Damage
  • Overpower Damage (requires overpowering conditions)

And then there are the unconditional ones:

  • Vulnerable Damage (flat damage increase to anything used)
  • Weapon Damage

While I believe Blizzard intends to eventually balance vulnerable damage, it appears to be an intricate process. If it poses such a challenge, I wonder why they invest so much time in adjusting other stats as well. It almost seems like they are creating unnecessary work for themselves.

In my opinion, I’d be willing to lose vulnerable damage if it meant they could focus that time and effort on fixing other aspects of the game. However, I do understand that removing vulnerable damage might necessitate rebalancing mobs to account for the power loss.

Ultimately, the goal should be to create a well-balanced and enjoyable game experience, and if the implementation of vulnerable damage hinders that objective, it might be worth considering its removal to focus on other essential improvements, also you can the best d4 items build your role and if you need a lot of diablo iv gold, buy it on so easy.

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