How to Win Runescape Part 2: Combat Tips and Tricks

I am assuming you read my last “How to make it in Runescape!” and you are around combat level 45. You should have 40 – 50 range, 30 – 40 magic. So I shouldn’t have to explain Magic or Range skills to you.

In this “How to make it in Runescape!” I will explain to you what to do to get a good combat level. Also if you read my last issue you shouldn’t need to know how to make money. Also you should have enough for any armor or weapons you may need.

Ok, since you are probably level 45 or up, go back down to the Varrock sewers and get some food before going down where I am going to tell you to go. Don’t worry; I’m not going to make you fight level 100’s or anything insane like that. Just level 33 spiders or level 46 moss giants. You can choose.

Get some teleport runes. Go to Varrock, go to the sewers, and go to the right route, not the one that goes to the place where you can mage zombies, but the other one. Keep going until you get past the scorpions, rats, skeletons, ghosts, zombies, and the higher-level skeletons. Slash the web that blocks you by clicking on it, and keep going up the stream. Now you should be getting attacked by level 33 spiders, try to stay alive and go on the right side of the area and then go along the wall until you get to moss giants, but don’t attack the moss giant until someone else attacks it first, otherwise it will attack you, and you want to stay down there as long as possible.

These guys have some pretty good drops that vary from 2 gp – Mithril long swords. If you’re a member they drop seeds and herbs that come in handy. Now fight them for a while unless you run out of food or get a full inventory. Also if you bring some teleport runes it would be a little easier to get out of there. Otherwise you will have to walk through all of the monsters again. Once you get to Varrock, sell the items you got immediately unless you wish to keep them, but if you’re going to sell them I would suggest selling them every trip to the general store instead of selling them in bulk. If you sell them in bulk you will have to sell 10 at a time, and the more of an item in a general store, the less they buy and sell for. So if you want to get the maximum amount of money that you can get then I would recommend going and selling them every trip back to Varrock. Also, this just popped in my head. If you don’t have any laws, usually moss giants drop at least 3 law runes a trip.

Keep training on moss giants until you get to at least 55 – 60 combat. Then after you get to 55 – 60 combat, go to lesser demons, level 82 in Karamja Volcano. The way to get to here is to go to Port Sarim. If you don’t know how to get to Port Sarim I would suggest looking at the “World Map”. But since some of you are a bit lazy I’ll give you a bit of a walk through on how to get there.

First, go to Lumbridge, and go behind the castle and keep going in that direction. Once you hit a bank, stop. You are now in Draynor. Once in Draynor, go north a bit until there’s an opening in the fence. Go through there and go south until you see some boats. On one of those boats talk to the guys in blue and say “I would like to go to Karamja please.” And you will then pay the guy 30 gp to go to Karamja, unless you are a member and have done the quest. Then it’s free.

Once there go to the left until you get to the general store, then go south a little bit until you get to an opening in the fence. Go through the opening and go west until you see a red exclamation mark on your map. Yet again, if you are having issues finding this I would recommend looking at the “World Map”. It tends to come in handy.

Once inside of the volcano, keep going down past the skeletons until you get to the lesser. Here you can range, mage and melee if you know the right place where they cannot get. Now you fight them until you need food. If you have the right fishing level, there is a place where you can fish for food, but you will need and axe and tinder box since there’s not a fire anywhere. Trees that you can cut can be found on the volcano. Keep fighting these guys for a while because they are really good training. But they may take awhile.

If you would rather, you can stay at the Moss Giants, but if you want some money and experience, go to the lesser demons since they drop Rune Medium Helmets. Also a little tip, if you have 55 magic and can use High Alchemy, I would High alch it rather than selling it. If you sell it you can only get 10k. If you alch it you get 12k. In members these guys drop a lot of stuff like seeds herbs and other stuff. Also these guys drop 60 fire runes at a time, so if you just want to make cash but not use food I would suggest ranging these guys. Otherwise you will probably have trouble killing more than 5. If you are a member wear a ring of wealth down here to have a better chance of getting their most rare item dropped.

Items dropped by Moss Giants are:
Gold: 2 – 700
100%: Big Bones
Weapon: Magic Staff, Mithril Sword
Armour: Black sq shield, steel medium helmet, steel kite shield
Runes: Air, earth, chaos, natures, laws, cosmic, deaths, bloods
Arrows: Iron, Steel.

Other – Rune Javelin, Adamant Javelin, Mithril Spear, Rune spear, Dragon Spear, herbs, seeds, steel bar, brass necklace, spinach roll, uncut gems.

Items dropped by Lesser Demons are:
Gold: 10 – 400
Weapons: Steel scimitar, steel axe, and dragon spear.
Armour: Steel full helm, Mithril chain body, and rune medium helmet
Runes/Arrows: Fire, Chaos, and Death

Other – Gold ore, Jug of wine, uncut gems, half key, chaos talisman, herbs, nature talisman, champion scroll, shield left half (dragon)

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